Ripple Blockchain training for developers in Geneva


Length of course: 15 hours
Fee for Ripple blockchain course: 2250 CHF
Exam fee for Ripple blockchain expert certification: 675 CHF


Plan du cours :



Real world use cases: banks, global payments, and digital exchange

Overview of bank-to-bank transfers

Overview of Blockchain and cryptocurrency

Ripple architectural overview

Developer tools for building a Ripple solution

The Ripple gateway

Listing XRP as an exchange


Issuing and operational addresses

Payment Channels

Set up a rippled instance

Submitting transactions

XRP Escrow

Integrating the Ripple payment system with third-party projects

Ripple APIs: RippleAPI (Javascript), Rest, RCP, Websocket, and JSON

Developing a Ripple client application

Launching a Ripple client application

Joining and contributing to the Ripple community



Teaching methods

Practical course: 60% practical, 40% theory. Course materials distributed to all participants in digital format.

Course format

The training alternates theoretical input delivered by the instructor backed up by concrete examples, brainstorming sessions and group work.


Participants sit an exam at the end of the training to check they have acquired the necessary skills.


A certificate will be awarded by the Swiss Blockchain Institute to all participants who complete the entire training.

Sign up now for the blockchain training of your choice.

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All our blockchain trainings can be delivered in French or English.
All our blockchain trainings are available in Argovie, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures, Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, Berne, Bâle-Campagne, Bâle-Ville, Fribourg, Genève, Glaris, Grisons, Jura, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Nidwald, Obwald, Saint-Gall, Schaffhouse, Soleure, Schwytz, Thurgovie, Tessin, Uri, Vaud, Valais, Zoug, Zurich.