Swiss Blockchain Institute : About Us


The Swiss Blockchain Institute is the result of an alliance from uniting major actors from the worlds of Blockchain and Training Industry. The Blockchain will have a major impact on all parts of the economy over the next ten years as it profoundly change the relationship between stakeholders. Our goal at the Swiss Blockchain Institute is to run in-depth technical Blockchain training programs in these new development and implementation technologies. We operate from our own premises in Geneva at 111, Rue de Lyon. As a Swiss company, what sets us apart is that our blockchain trainings deliver high added value, based primarily on the quality of our instructors with their combination of technical expertise and adult-education skills.

Swiss Blockchain Institute : Board of directors

Matthieu Collas

Matthieu Collas


Antoine Verdon

Antoine Verdon

BlockFactory and Proxeus Co-founder
Frederic Kohler

Frederic Kohler

Director of ISFB

Jean-Luc Gentille

Jean-Luc Gentille

Director of Swissnova
Julien Tardy

Julien Tardy

Business Developer


Learn, understand and innovate with Solidity, Ripple, Daap, Etherum, Smart Contract, etc…


 Switzerland is fast becoming the blockchain capital of the world. The demand for blockchain developers is growing more quickly than for any other specialization across the globe. This means it has become essential to introduce high-quality technical training programs to respond positively to the needs of our businesses. Our goal is to train people locally in Switzerland in order to maintain a close relationship between contracting parties and project production.


 The aim of the Swiss Blockchain Institute is to address this heavy demand for blockchain learning.